This is a brain dump of ideas which more likely than not contain flaws. Nothing has been proven correct or rigorously reviewed.
Table of contents
- Grin timestamping
- Data commitments (flawed!)
- Grin BLS Research
- Noninteractive transaction proposal
- Coinbase outputs as Transaction outputs
- (Re)play attacks
- Unique kernels without transaction expiry
- Efficient solution to verify kernel uniqueness + better absolute timelocks
- PayJoins for Replay Protection
- Replay RFC that was closed in favor of smaller RFCs
- Early Payment Proofs
- Safe cancel
- Payjoins support
- Anchors Replay Protection - proposal has not been created
- (NEW) Replay resistance through payjoins and aggregators
- Output injection - Forum thread
- 2-step donations without payment proofs
- Constant size full node
- Bidirectional payment proofs