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Schnorr signatures

NOTE: The cryptography below is INSECURE so it’s not meant to be used!

NOTE: This is only meant as a guide towards learning about some of the basics of Schnorr signatures through some examples of how they can be attacked. We do NOT get to a secure signature scheme descriptions in the end.

The problem

Alice wants to prove to Bob that she knows the private key of a public key P. The simplest way to prove this would be to show scalar p such that P = p*G. The proof is sound, but it shares the ownership of P with Bob since now also Bob knows the private key. Instead of revealing the private key, it would be much more useful if we managed to provide a zero knowledge proof which would prove we know the private key of P. Digital signatures are a zero knowledge proof of knowledge of private key and we’ll go through the simplest signature scheme called Schnorr signature.

Schnorr signatures

Suppose Alice wants to prove she knows the private key of P without revealing her private key p. Instead of proving P, she could prove she knows the private key for P + R where R would be some random curve point Alice made up. So she could generate a random curve point R = r*G and instead of showing the private key p, she shows the private key s = p + r and R. We call this R a nonce because it can only be used once - if R was reused in signatures, people could compute the private key p. Given a pair <R, s>, Bob can verify that P + R = s*G holds. This would be a super neat proof, but there’s a huge vulnerability in this scheme. Adversarial Alice could pick R by starting with a curve point -P, choose a random scalar r and set R as R = -P + r*G. She then computes s = r. What happens now is that when Bob receives <R, s>, the P + R = s*G becomes

   P + (-P + r*G) = s*G
=> P - P + r*G = s*G
=> r*G = s*G  # holds!

and since s = r the equation holds and Alice didn’t need to know the private key of P because the P curve points cancelled out!

To solve this issue, we make a signature a multi-step process. First Alice picks a random nonce R = r*G and sends R to Bob. Bob now picks a random scalar e and sends it to Alice, telling her he wants a proof not for P, but for P' = e*P - note that if Alice knows the private key for P, she will also know the private key for e*P. This means that Alice now needs to compute s as s = e*p + r and share it with Bob. Note that this still doesn’t leak any information about p because it is blinded by r. Bob upon receiving s has a pair <R, s> for which it can check that P' + R = s*G holds. The key here is that Alice commited to R by sending it first to Bob so even if she subtracted P from R, she’d need to guess which e Bob would pick to subtract it e times. This scheme is now secure against public key cancellation. However, we have made it a multi-step process which requires an interaction between Alice and Bob. The steps that we introduced require Alice committing to R and then getting a random scalar e. This can be done without Bob by using hash functions. Alice can commit to R by computing e = H(R) which can be thought of as a simulation of Bob steps because Alice first commits by adding R as hash input and only then receives a random scalar e. We now have a way to construct a signature without needing any interactive, but with a new assumption that the hash function used is safe.

Usually the signatures sign a message in which case Alice computes e = H(R | M) where M is the message. Bob knows R and the message M and can compute e to verify the signature is valid.

Schnorr multi-sig

NOTE: Insecure!

What if Alice owned public key P_a = p_a*G and Bob owned public key P_b = p_b*G and they wanted to create a signature where they both sign a message M? They could both construct a signature on their own and we’d have 2 signatures for the same message. We can do better and produce a single signature which proves both parties signed the message. We need to construct a proof that we know the private key for curve point P = P_a + P_b. We start off with Alice doing the exact same thing as she did in regular signature which is to pick a random nonce R_a = r_a*G, but then she asks Bob for his public nonce R_b. Alice can then compute e = H(R_a + R_b | M) and s_a = e*p_a + r_a. Note that we added a suffix _a to the public and private keys created by Alice and similarly suffix _b to those created by Bob. She now sends <R_a + R_b, s_a> to Bob. This signature is not valid because the equation P = s*G doesn’t hold for P = P_a + P_b. Let’s take a look at what is missing from our signature

   P_a + P_b + R_a + R_b = e*(p_a+p_b) + r_a + r_b
=> P_a + P_b + R_a + R_b = e*p_a + e*p_b + r_a + r_b

We know that Alice produced s_a = e*p_a + r_a so we only need to add e*p_b + r_b to s_a to produce a valid signature. Bob knows the values we lack so he can compute s_b = e*p_b + r_b and compute the final signature as <R_a + R_b, s_a + s_b>. This pair is a valid multisignature of Alice and Bob for message M.

Note that the multisig is indistinguishable from a single-sig. They are both just a pair <R, s>.

Batch verification

NOTE: Do not use in production!

By now we know that we can validate Schnorr signature by checking if e*P + R = s*G. Consider we have 100 signatures of this form

e1*P1 + R1 = s1*G
e2*P2 + R2 = s2*G
e100*P100 + R100 = s100*G

It seems like we can sum up all the left hand side and all the right hand side and check that the following equation is still well balanced

e1*P1 + R1 + e2*P2 + R2 + ... + e100*P100 + R100 = (s1 + s2 + ... + s100)*G

However, this is vulnerable to attacks now because signatures can help hide each other’s flaws! An example of this would be to construct 2 signatures

e1*P1 + R1 + e2*P2 + R2 = (s1 + s2)*G

such that the attacker picks as P1 a point they don’t know the private key for and then sets R2 = -e1*P1 + u*G. This would expand to

   e1*P1 + R1 + e2*P2 -e1*P1 + u*G = (s1 + s2)*G
=> R1 + e2*P2 +u*G = (s1 + s2)*G

and they wouldn’t need to know the private key of P1 to validate these two in batch! To solve this we can pick a random number for every signature equation which prevents us from knowing the relation between the two signatures and makes the above attack impossible. So instead of summing the original equations, we generate a random number for every equation and multiply both sides by it. Then we can sum them up and check that the equality holds.

Bonus: As an example, we can show how this could lead to inflation bug in Mimblewimble if we are not careful. The public key we sign is a Pedersen commitment which should have a form 0*H + x*G. However, we could make it inflate e.g. 10*H + x*G and then we could construct two signatures

e1*(10*H + x*G) + R1 != s1*G               # not equal! We don't know the private key for 10*H + x*G
e2*(0*H + y*G) + (-e1*(10*H) + y*G) = s2*G   

Summing these up would make the inflated 10*H disappear and I think we could produce a valid combined signature where equality of both signatures equations summed up would hold because we’d know the other private keys needed and could hence compute the correct sum of s values.

More funny business

Commiting to H(R | M) leaves some creativity for some people. An attacker could convince someone they know the private key for point P when in fact they did not. The attacker first chooses message M and some curve point R, computes the challenge e = H(R | M) and then sets P as P = -e^(-1)*R + u*G. Now when we compute the e*P + R we get

   e*(-e^(-1)*R + u*G) + R
=> -R + e*u*G + R
=> e*u*G

note that we only need to know the private key u so we can set s = e*u and it validates. We don’t need to know the private key of either P or R! We can avoid this attack by committing also to P in the hash H(R | M | P). Now we can’t pick P after the message because the message commits to it.

Thanks to @kurt for explaining the attack.